Exercise session 08

Introduction to CMake.

Advanced Programming - SISSA, UniTS, 2024-2025

Pasquale Claudio Africa
19 Nov 2024

Introduction to CMake

Build systems


Build systems are a way to deploy software.

They are used to:

  1. Provide others a way to configure your own project.
  2. Configure and install third-party software on your system.

Configure means:

  • Meet dependencies
  • Build
  • Test

Build systems available

  • CMake
    • Pros: Easy to learn, great support for multiple IDEs, cross-platform
    • Cons: Does not perform automatic compilation test for met dependencies.
  • GNU Autotools
    • Pros: Excellent support for legacy Unix platforms, large selection of existing modules.
    • Cons: Slow, hard to use correctly, painful to debug, poor support for non-Unix platforms.
  • Meson, Bazel, SCons, ...

Package managers:

Let's try

Install dependencies, then compile and install.

Doxygen (CMake)

cd /path/to/doxygen/src/
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/doxygen ../
make -j<N>
(sudo) make install

GNU Scientific Library (autotools)

cd /path/to/gsl/src/
./configure --prefix=/opt/gsl --enable-shared --disable-static
make -j<N>
(sudo) make install

Why CMake?

  • More packages use CMake than any other system
  • Almost every IDE supports CMake (or vice-versa)
  • Really cross-platform, no better choices for Windows
  • Extensible, modular design

Who else is using CMake?

  • Netflix
  • HDF Group, ITK, VTK, Paraview (visualization tools)
  • Armadillo, CGAL, LAPACK, Trilinos (linear algebra and algorithms)
  • deal.II, Gmsh (FEM analysis)
  • KDE, Qt, ReactOS (user interfaces and operating systems)
  • ...

CMake basics

The root of a project using CMake must contain a CMakeLists.txt file.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12)

# This is a comment.
project(MyProject VERSION 1.0
  DESCRIPTION "A very nice project"

Please use a CMake version more recent than your compiler (at least ≥ 3.0).

Command names are case insensitive.

CMake 101

  • Configure
    cd /path/to/src/
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake .. [options...]
    # Or:
    # cmake -S /path/to/src/ -B /path/to/build/ [options...]
  • Compile
     cd /path/to/build/
     make -j<N>
  • List variable values
    cd /path/to/build/
    cmake /path/to/src/ -L


CMake is all about targets and properties. An executable is a target, a library is a target. Your application is built as a collection of targets depending on each other.

# Header files are optional.
add_executable(my_exec my_main.cpp my_header.hpp)

# Options are STATIC, SHARED (dynamic) or MODULE (plugins).
add_library(my_lib STATIC my_class.cpp my_class.hpp)

Target properties

Targets can be associated with various properties:

add_library(my_lib STATIC my_class.cpp my_class.hpp)
target_include_directories(my_lib PUBLIC include_dir)
# "PUBLIC" propagates the property to
# other targets depending on "my_lib".
target_link_libraries(my_lib PUBLIC another_lib)

add_executable(my_exec my_main.cpp my_header.h)
target_link_libraries(my_exec my_lib)
target_compile_features(my_exec cxx_std_20)
# Last command is equivalent to:
# set_target_properties(my_exec PROPERTIES CXX_STANDARD 20)

target_compile_options(my_exec PUBLIC -Wall -Wpedantic)

Interacting with the outside world: local variables

set(LIB_NAME "my_lib")

# List items are space- or semicolon-separated.
set(SRCS "my_class.cpp;my_main.cpp")
set(INCLUDE_DIRS "include_one;include_two")

add_library(${LIB_NAME} STATIC ${SRCS} my_class.hpp)
target_include_directories(${LIB_NAME} PUBLIC ${INCLUDE_DIRS})

add_executable(my_exec my_main.cpp my_header.h)
target_link_libraries(my_exec ${LIB_NAME})

Interacting with the outside world: cache variables

Cache variables are used to interact with the command line:

# "VALUE" is just the default value.

# Boolean specialization.
option(MY_OPTION "This is settable from the command line" OFF)


cmake /path/to/src/ \

Interacting with the outside world: environment variables

# Read.
message("PATH is set to: $ENV{PATH}")

# Write.
set(ENV{variable_name} value)

(although it is generally a good idea to avoid them).

Control flow

if("${variable}") # Or if("condition").
    # Undefined variables would be treated as empty strings, thus false.

The following operators can be used.

Unary: NOT, TARGET, EXISTS (file), DEFINED, etc.
Binary: STREQUAL, AND, OR, MATCHES (regular expression), ...

Parentheses can be used to group.

Branch selection

Useful for switching among different implementations or versions of any third-party library.

#ifdef USE_ARRAY
    std::array<double, 100> my_array;
    std::vector<double> my_array(100);

How to select the correct branch?

Pre-processor flags

target_compile_definitions(my_exec PRIVATE USE_ARRAY=1)

Or let the user set the desired flag:

option(WITH_ARRAY "Use std::array instead of std::vector" ON)

    target_compile_definitions(my_exec PRIVATE USE_ARRAY=1)

Modify files depending on variables

void print_version() {
  std::cout << "Version number: " << @MY_PROJECT_VERSION@
            << std::endl;




See also: #cmakedefine.

Print messages and debug

Content of variables is printed with

message("MY_VAR is: ${MY_VAR}")

Error messages can be printed with

message(FATAL_ERROR "MY_VAR has the wrong value: ${MY_VAR}")

Commands being executed are printed with

cmake /path/to/src/ -B build --trace-source=CMakeLists.txt
make VERBOSE=1

Useful variables

  • CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR: top-level source directory
  • CMAKE_BINARY_DIR: top-level build directory

If the project is organized in sub-folders:

  • CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR: current source directory being processed
  • CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR: current build directory
# Options are "Release", "Debug",
# "RelWithDebInfo", "MinSizeRel"

set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "/path/to/c++")

Looking for third-party libraries

CMake looks for module files FindPackage.cmake in the directories specified in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH.

set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH} /path/to/modules/")

# Specify "REQUIRED" if the library is mandatory.
find_package(Boost 1.50 COMPONENTS filesystem graph)

If the library is not located in a system folder, often a hint can be provided:

cmake /path/to/src/ -DBOOST_ROOT=/path/to/boost/installation/

Using third-party libraries

Once the library is found, proper variables are populated.

    target_include_directories(my_lib PUBLIC

    target_link_directories(my_lib PUBLIC
    # Old CMake versions:
    # link_directories(${Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS})

    target_link_libraries(my_lib ${Boost_LIBRARIES})

Compilation test

CMake can try to compile a source and save the exit status in a local variable.


See also: try_run.

Execution test

CMake can run specific executables and check their exit status to determine (un)successful runs.

add_test(NAME MyTest COMMAND my_test_executable)

Organize a large project

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12)
project(ExampleProject VERSION 1.0 LANGUAGES CXX)



Tip: how to organize a large project

📂 project/
├── 📂 apps/
│   ├── 📝 CMakeLists.txt
│   └── 📄 my_app.cpp
├── 📂 cmake/
│   └── 📝 FindSomeLib.cmake
├── 🔖 doc/
│   └── 📝 Doxyfile.in
├── 📂 scripts/
│   └── 📝 do_something.sh
├── 📂 src/
│   ├── 📝 CMakeLists.txt
│   └── 📄 my_lib.{hpp,cpp}
├── 📂 tests/
│   ├── 📝 CMakeLists.txt
│   └── 📄 my_test.cpp
├── 📒 .gitignore
├── 📝 CMakeLists.txt
├── 💼 LICENSE.md
└── 📰 README.md

Further readings

Exercise 1

  1. Following exercises/07/solutions/ex1, configure and install muParserX on your system using the builtin CMake configurator.
  2. Write a CMake script to compile and link the test code ex1.cpp against it.

Exercise 2

Re-do exercises/07/solutions/ex3 with the help of CMake.