Lecture 02

Introduction to C++. Built-in data types. Variables, pointers and references. Control structures. Functions.

Advanced Programming - SISSA, UniTS, 2024-2025

Pasquale Claudio Africa
07 Oct 2024

Why C++?

C++ is:

  • Reasonably efficient in terms of CPU time and memory handling, being a compiled language.
  • High demand in industry.
  • A (sometimes exceedingly) complex language: if you know C++ you will learn other languages quickly.
  • A strongly typed language: safer code, less ambiguous semantic, more efficient memory handling.
  • Supporting functional, object-oriented, and generic programming.
  • Backward compatible (unlike Python... 😞). Old code compiles (almost) seamlessly.
  • 🌲 It is green!

Not everybody agrees on the definition of strongly typed.


  1. Structure of a basic C++ program
  2. Fundamental types
  3. Memory management: variables, pointers, references, arrays
  4. Conditional statements and control structures
  5. Functions and operators
  6. User-defined types: enum, union, struct, POD structs
  7. Declarations and definitions
  8. Code organization
  9. The build toolchain in practice

Structure of a basic C++ program

Structure of a basic C++ program

  • C++ program structure includes a collection of functions.
  • Every C++ program must contain one main() function, which serves as the entry point.
  • Other functions can be defined as needed.
  • Statements within functions are enclosed in curly braces {}.
  • Statements are executed sequentially unless control structures (e.g., loops, conditionals) are used.

Hello, world!

#include <iostream>

int main() { // Or, more completely: int main(int argc, char** argv, char** envp)
    std::cout << "Hello, world!" << std::endl;
    return 0;
  • #include <iostream>: Includes the Input/Output stream library.
  • int main(): Entry point of the program.
  • std::cout: Standard output stream.
  • <<: Stream insertion operator.
  • "Hello, world!": Text to be printed.
  • << std::endl: Newline character.
  • return 0;: Indicates successful program execution.

How to compile and run

To compile the program:

g++ hello_world.cpp -o hello_world

To run the compiled program:

./hello_world [arg1] [arg2] ... [argN]

To check exit code:

echo $?

C++ as a strongly typed language

  • C++ enforces strict type checking at compile time.
  • Variables must be declared with a specific type.
  • Type errors are detected and reported at compile time.
  • This helps prevent runtime errors and enhances code reliability.


int x = 5;
char ch = 'A';
float f = 3.14;

x = 1.6;        // Legal, but truncated to the 'int' 1.
f = "a string"; // Illegal.

unsigned int y{3.0}; // Uniform initialization: illegal.

Fundamental types

Fundamental types

Data Type Size (Bytes)
bool 1
(unsigned) char 1
(unsigned) short 2
(unsigned) int 4
(unsigned) long 4 or 8
(unsigned) long long 8
float 4
double 8
long double 8, 12, or 16

Integer numbers

  • C++ provides several integer types with varying sizes.
  • Common integer types include int, short, long, and long long.
  • The range of values that can be stored depends on the type.


int age = 30;

short population = 32000;

long long large_number = 123456789012345;

Floating-point numbers

  • C++ supports floating-point types for representing real numbers.
  • Common floating-point types include float, double, and long double.
  • These types can represent decimal fractions.


float pi = 3.14;

double gravity = 9.81;

Floating-point arithmetic

Floating-point arithmetic is a method for representing and performing operations on real numbers in a binary format (i.e., ).

  • Representation: Floating-point numbers consist of three components: sign (0: positive, 1: negative), significand , and exponent .

  • Normalized numbers: In normalized form, the most significant bit of the significand is always 1, allowing for a wide range of values to be represented efficiently.

  • IEEE 754 standard: The most commonly adopted standard for floating-point arithmetic is the IEEE 754 Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic. This standard specifies the formats, precision, rounding rules, and handling of special values like NaN (Not-a-Number) and infinity.

Floating-point arithmetic limitations

double epsilon = 1.0; // Machine epsilon.

while (1.0 + epsilon != 1.0) {
    epsilon /= 2.0;
double a = 0.1, b = 0.2, c = 0.3;

if (a + b == c) { // Unsafe comparison.
    // This may not always be true due to precision limitations.
double x = 1.0, y = 1.0 / 3.0; double sum = y + y + y;

if (std::abs(x - sum) < tolerance) { // Safer comparison.
    // Use tolerance to handle potential rounding errors.

Characters and strings

  • Characters are represented using the char type.
  • Strings are sequences of characters and are represented using the std::string type.


char comma = ',';

std::string name = "John";

std::string greeting = "Hello";

// Concatenate strings.
std::string message = greeting + comma + ' ' + name;

Boolean types

  • C++ has a built-in Boolean type called bool.
  • It can have two values: true or false.
  • Useful for conditional statements and logical operations.
  • Numbers can be converted to Boolean.


bool is_true = true;

bool is_false = false;

if (-1.5) // true.
    // ...

if (0) // false.
    // ...

Initialization and aliases

  • Initialization sets the initial value of a variable at the time of declaration.
  • C++ supports various forms of initialization, including direct, copy, and list initialization.


int x = 5; // Direct initialization.
int y(10); // Constructor-style initialization.
int z{15}; // Uniform initialization (preferred).
  • Aliases enable to create new types based on already defined others.


using number = double;
using int_array = int*;

auto and type conversions.

In many situations, the compiler can determine the correct type of an object using the initialization value.

auto a{42};       // int.
auto b{12L};      // long.
auto c{5.0F};     // float.
auto d{10.0};     // double.
auto e{false};    // bool.
auto f{"string"}; // char[7].

// C++11.
auto fun1(const int i) -> int { return 2 * i; }

// C++14.
auto fun2(const int i) { return 2 * i; }

In reality, things are much more complex: see, for instance, Explicit type conversion and related pages.

Memory management: variables, pointers, references, arrays

Heap vs. stack

  • Programs use memory to store data and variables.

Stack memory

  • Stack: A region of memory for function call frames.
  • Variables stored on the stack have a fixed size and scope.
  • Memory is allocated and deallocated automatically.
  • Well-suited for small, short-lived variables.

Heap memory

  • Heap: A region of dynamic memory for data with varying lifetimes.
  • Variables on the heap have a dynamic size and longer lifetimes.
  • Memory allocation and deallocation are explicit (manual).
  • Used for objects with unknown or extended lifetimes.

Variables and pointers

  • Variables stored on the stack are typically accessed directly.
  • Pointers to stack variables can be used safely within their scope.
  • Heap-allocated variables require pointers for access.
  • Pointers to heap variables must be managed carefully.
int stack_var = 42; // Stack variable.
int* stack_ptr = &stack_var; // Pointer to stack variable.

int* heap_ptr = new int(42); // Pointer to heap variable.
// ...
delete heap_ptr;
heap_ptr = nullptr;

Lifetime and scope

  • Stack variables have a limited lifetime within their scope.
  • Heap variables can have a longer lifetime beyond their defining scope.
  • Deallocating heap memory is the programmer's responsibility.

Best practices

  • Use the stack for small, short-lived variables.
  • Use the heap for dynamic data with extended lifetimes.
  • Always deallocate heap memory to prevent memory leaks.


  • Variables are named memory locations used to store data.
  • They must be declared with a specific type before use.
  • Variables can be modified and accessed in your program.


int x = 5; // Declaration and initialization.
x = 10;    // Variable modification.

int y;  // Declaration with default initialization.
y = 20; // Initialization after declaration.

const double a = 3.7;
a = 5; // Error!


  • Pointers are variables that store memory addresses.
  • They allow you to work with memory directly.
  • Declared using * symbol.


int number = 42;

int* pointer = &number; // Pointer to 'number'.

// Create a dynamic integer with new.
int* dynamic_variable = new int;
*dynamic_variable = 5;

// Deallocate it.
delete dynamic_variable;
dynamic_variable = nullptr;

Pointers: common problems

int* arr = new int[5]; // Dynamically allocate an integer array.

// Access and use the array beyond its allocated size.
for (int i = 0; i <= 5; ++i) {
    arr[i] = i;

// Forgot to delete the dynamically allocated array, causing a memory leak.
// delete[] arr;

// Attempt to access memory beyond the allocated array's bounds, causing undefined behavior.
std::cout << arr[10] << std::endl;


  • References provide an alias for an existing variable.
  • Declared using & symbol.
  • Provide an alternative way to access a variable.


int a = 10;
int& ref = a; // Reference to 'a'.

ref = 20; // Modifies 'a'.

int b = 10;
ref = b;
ref = 5; // What's now the value of 'a' and 'b'?


  • Arrays are collections of elements of the same type.
  • Elements are accessed by their index (position).
  • C++ provides the much safer std::array<type>, std::vector<type> (to be covered in a sequent lecture).


int numbers[5]; // Array declaration.
numbers[0] = 1; // Assigning values to elements.

int* dynamic_array = new int[5];

for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
    dynamic_array[i] = 2 * i;

delete[] dynamic_array;

Conditional statements and control structures

if ... else if ... else

  • Conditional statements allow you to execute different code based on conditions.
  • In C++, we use if, else if, and else statements for conditional execution.


int x = 10;

if (x > 5) {
    std::cout << "x is greater than 5." << std::endl;
} else if (x > 3) {
    std::cout << "x is greater than 3 but not greater than 5." << std::endl;
} else {
    std::cout << "x is not greater than 5." << std::endl;

switch ... case

  • The switch statement is a control flow structure alternative to using multiple if ... else statements based on the value of an expression.


switch (expression) {
    case constant1:
        // Code to execute if expression == constant1.
    case constant2:
        // Code to execute if expression == constant2.
    // ... more cases ...
        // Code to execute if expression doesn't match any case.

for loop

  • A for loop is used to execute a block of code a specific number of times. It is often used when the number of iterations is known beforehand.
for (initialization; condition; post-iteration operation) {
    // Code to execute in each iteration.


for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
    std::cout << "Iteration: " << i << std::endl;

NB: i is usually named counter. A more general concept, called iterator will provide a generalization for custom objects.

while loop

  • A while loop is used to repeat a block of code as long as the specified condition remains true. It is useful when the number of iterations is not predetermined.
while (condition) {
    // Code to execute while the condition is true.


int i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
  std::cout << "Iteration: " << i << std::endl;

NB: A do { ... } while(...) loop is similar to a while loop but guarantees that the block of code will be executed at least once, as the condition is checked after the loop body.

Functions and operators


  • Functions are blocks of code that perform a specific task.
  • Functions are defined with a return type, name, and parameters.
  • They can be called to execute their code.


int add(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

int result = add(3, 4); // Calling the 'add' function.


  • void is a data type that represents the absence of a specific type.
  • It indicates that a function does not return any value or that a pointer does not have a defined type.
  • Dangerous to use.


void greet() {
    std::cout << "Hello, world!" << std::endl;

void* generic_ptr;
int x = 10;

generic_ptr = &x; // Can point to any data type.

Pass by value vs. pointer vs. reference (1/2)

void modify_by_copy(int x) {
    // Creates a copy of 'x' inside the function.
    x = 20; // Changes the copy 'x', not the original value.

void modify_by_ptr(int* ptr) {
    *ptr = 30; // Modifies the original value via the pointer.

void modify_by_ref(int& ref) {
    ref = 40; // Modifies the original value through the reference.

Pass by value vs. pointer vs. reference (2/2)

int value = 10;

modify_by_copy(value); // Pass by value.
std::cout << value << std::endl; // Output: 10.

modify_by_ptr(&value); // Pass by pointer
std::cout << value << std::endl; // Output: 30.

modify_by_ref(value); // Pass by reference
std::cout << value << std::endl; // Output: 40.

Best practices

  • Pass by value for small, non-mutable data.
  • Pass by pointer for modifying values or working with arrays.
  • Pass by reference for efficiency and direct modification of values.

Return by value vs. pointer vs. reference (1/2)

int get_copy() {
    return 42; // Return a copy of the value.

int* get_ptr() {
    int* arr = new int[5];
    // ...
    return arr; // Return a pointer to the array.

int& get_ref() {
    static int value = 10; // static means that the variable persists
                           // through multiple calls to this function.
                           // Beware: if not static, undefined behavior
                           // (value gets destroyed).
    return value; // Return a reference to 'value'.

Return by value vs. pointer vs. reference (2/2)

int result1 = get_copy(); // Return by value.

int* result2 = get_ptr(); // Return by pointer.
result2[2] = 5;
delete[] result2; // Beware: memory leaks.

int& result3 = get_ref(); // Return by reference.
result3 = 20;

Best practices

  • Return by value for small, non-mutable data.
  • Return by pointer for dynamically allocated data.
  • Return by reference for efficiency and direct modification of data.

const correctness (1/2)

void print_value(const int x) {
    // x = 42; // Error: Cannot modify 'x'.

const int get_copy() {
    const int x = 42;
    return x;

int result = get_copy();
result = 10; // Safe, it's a copy!

const int age = 30; // Immutable variable.
const int* ptr_to_const = &age; // Pointer to an integer which is constant.

ptr_to_const = &result; // Now pointing to another variable.
*ptr_to_const = 42; // Error: cannot modify pointed object.

Question: how to declare a constant pointer to a non-constant int?

const correctness (2/2)


  • Prevents unintended modifications: Helps avoid accidental data modifications, enhancing code safety.
  • Self-documenting code: Makes code more self-documenting by indicating the intent of data usage.
  • Compiler optimizations: Allows the compiler to perform certain optimizations, as it knows that const data won't change.

Best practices

  • Const correctness is a valuable practice for writing safe and maintainable C++ code.
  • Use const to indicate read-only data and functions.
  • Incorrectly using const can lead to compiler errors or unexpected behavior.


  • Operators are symbols used to perform operations on variables and values.
  • Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, %
  • Arithmetic and assignment operators: +=, -=, *=, /=, %=
  • Comparison operators: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=, <=> (C++20)
  • Logical operators: &&, ||, !


int x = 5, y = 3;
bool is_true = (x > y) && (x != 0); // Logical expression.
int z = (x > y) ? 2 : 1; // Ternary operator.

x += 2; // 7.
y *= 4; // 12.
z /= 2; // 1.

Increment operators

  1. Pre-increment (++var):

    • Increases the variable's value before using it.
    • The updated value is immediately reflected. No temporary needed: more efficient.
  2. Post-increment (var++):

    • Uses the current value of the variable before incrementing.
    • The variable's value is increased after its current value is used.
int a = 5;
int b = ++a; // Pre-increment.
// a is now 6, b is also 6.

int c = a++; // Post-increment.
// a is now 7, but c is 6.

Function overloading

  • Function overloading is a feature in C++ that allows you to define multiple functions with the same name but different parameters.
  • The compiler selects the appropriate function based on the number or types of arguments during the function call.
void print(int x) {
    std::cout << "Integer value: " << x << std::endl;

void print(double x) {
    std::cout << "Double value: " << x << std::endl;

print(3); // Calls the int version.
print(2.5); // Calls the double version.

User-defined types


  • Enumerations (enums) allow you to define a set of named values.
  • Enums provide a way to create user-defined data types.


enum Color : unsigned int {
    Red = 0,

Color my_color = Green;


  • Unions allow you to define a type that can hold different data types.
  • Only one member of a union can be accessed at a time.
  • Useful for optimizing memory usage.


union Duration {
    int seconds;
    short hours;

Duration d;
d.seconds = 259200;

short h = d.hours; // Contains garbage: undefined behavior.


  • Structs (structures) allow you to group related data members into a single unit.
  • Members can have different data types.
  • Structs provide a way to create custom data structures.


struct Point {
    int x;
    int y;

Point p;
p.x = 3;
p.y = 5;

Actually, in C++ struct is just a special type of class. When Referring to C-style structs, a more proper name would be Plain Old Data (POD) structs.

Plain Old Data (POD) structs

  • POD structs are classes with simple data members and no user-defined constructors or destructors.
  • They have C-like semantics and can be used in low-level operations.


struct Rectangle {
    double width;
    double height;

Rectangle r;
r.width = 10;
r.height = 20;

Rectangle s{5, 10};
Rectangle t = s; // POD structs are trivially copyable.

Looking towards classes

  • Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that uses classes and objects.
  • C++ is an object-oriented language that supports OOP principles.
  • Classes are user-defined data types that encapsulate data and behavior.
  • Classes extend structs by including member functions other than data.
  • OOP promotes code reusability, modularity, and organization.

Declarations and definitions


  • Declarations inform the compiler about the existence of variables or functions.
  • They provide type information but do not allocate memory or provide implementation.
int x; // Declaration of 'x'.
extern int y; // Declaration of 'y'.

struct X; // Forward-declaration. What if I want to use both X in Y and Y in X?
struct Y { X var; };


  • Definitions provide the actual implementation of variables or functions.
  • They allocate memory for variables or specify the behavior of functions.
int x = 5; // Definition of 'x'.

Declaring functions

  • Function declarations provide enough information for the compiler to use the function.
  • They specify the return type, name, and parameter types.
  • Function declarations are typically placed in header files.


int add(int a, int b); // Declaration of 'add' function.

Defining functions

  • Function definitions specify the implementation of a function.
  • They include the function's return type, name, parameters, and code block.
  • They are typically placed in source files.


int add(int a, int b) { // Definition of 'add' function.
    return a + b;

Code organization

Modular programming

  • Modular programming divides code into separate modules or units.
  • Each module focuses on a specific task or functionality.
  • Benefits:
    • Improved code organization and readability
    • Easier maintenance and debugging
    • Code reusability
    • Encapsulation of functionality

Building blocks of C++ code modules

  • C++ code modules consist of:
  • Header files (.h or .hpp) for declarations
  • Source files (.cpp) for definitions
  • Implementation files (.cpp) for non-template classes
  • Header files contain function prototypes and class declarations.
  • Source files contain function and class definitions.

Header files

  • Header files (.h or .hpp) contain declarations and prototypes.
  • They define the interface to a module or class.
  • Header files are included in source files to access declarations.
// my_module.hpp
int add(int a, int b); // Function prototype.

Best practices

  • Use include guards or #pragma once to prevent multiple inclusions.
  • Include only necessary headers to reduce compilation time.
  • Keep header files concise and focused on declarations.
  • Use descriptive and unique names for header files.
  • Document complex or non-obvious declarations.

Source files

  • Source files (.cpp) contain the definitions of functions and classes.
  • They implement the functionality declared in header files.
  • Source files include header files for access to declarations.
// my_module.cpp
#include "my_module.hpp" // Include the corresponding header.

int add(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

The need for header guards

  • Header guards (or include guards) prevent multiple inclusions of the same header file.
  • They ensure that a header file is included only once during compilation.
  • Header guards are essential to avoid redefinition errors.

Without header guards, if a header file is included multiple times in a source file or across multiple source files, it can lead to redefinition errors.

How to implement header guards

  • Place #ifndef, #define, and #endif or #pragma once directives in the header file.
  • Use a unique identifier (usually based on the filename) as the guard symbol.

Example (file my_module.hpp):

#ifndef MY_MODULE_HPP__
#define MY_MODULE_HPP__

// ...

#endif // MY_MODULE_HPP__

Modern compilers also support:

#pragma once

// ...

Preventing header file inclusion issues

To avoid issues with header file inclusions:

  • Include necessary headers in your source files.
  • Avoid circular dependencies (A includes B, and B includes A).
  • Use forward declarations when possible to minimize dependencies.
  • Follow a consistent naming convention for header guards.

Managing scope in C++

  • Scope determines the visibility and lifetime of variables and functions.
  • C++ uses blocks, functions, and namespaces to manage scope.
  • Variables declared inside a block have block scope.
  • Variables declared outside of any function or class have global scope.
  • Namespaces help organize code and avoid naming conflicts.
int x = 10;

{ // Manually define a scope.
    int y = 20;
    // ...
} // Destroy all variables local to the scope.
// Beware: dynamically allocated variables must be deleted manually.

std::cout << y << std::endl; // Error: 'y' is undefined here.

Using namespaces for organization

  • Namespaces group related declarations to avoid naming collisions.
  • They provide a way to organize code into logical units.
  • Namespace members are accessed using the :: operator.
namespace Math {
    int add(int a, int b) {
        return a + b;

int result1 = Math::add(3, 4); // Accessing a namespace member.

using namespace Math; // Useful, but dangerous due to possible name clashes.
int result2 = add(3, 4);

Anonymous (i.e. unnamed) namespaces are only accessible from the current compilation unit.

The build toolchain in practice

Preprocessor and compiler

  • The preprocessor (cpp) handles preprocessing directives.
  • It includes headers, performs macro substitution, and removes comments.
  • The compiler (g++, clang++) translates source code into object files.
  • Preprocessor and compiler commands are combined when you run g++ or clang++.

Example (project with three files: module.hpp, module.cpp, main.cpp):

# Preprocessor.
g++ -E module.cpp -I/path/to/include/dir -o module_preprocessed.cpp
g++ -E main.cpp -I/path/to/include/dir -o main_preprocessed.cpp

# Compiler.
g++ -c module_preprocessed.cpp -o module.o
g++ -c main_preprocessed.cpp -o main.o


  • The linker (ld) combines object files and resolves external references.
  • It creates an executable program from multiple object files.
  • Linker errors occur if functions or variables are not defined.


g++ module.o main.o -o my_program

Link against an external library:

g++ module.o main.o -o my_program -lmy_lib -L/path/to/my/lib

In this example, the -lmy_lib flag is used to link against the library libmy_lib.so. The -l flag is followed by the library name without the lib prefix and without the file extension .so (dynamic) or .a (static).

Preprocessor, compiler, linker: a simplified procedure

For small projects with few dependencies, the following command performs the preprocessing, compilation and linking phase:

g++ module1.cpp module2.cpp main.cpp -I/path/to/include/dir -o my_program

⚠️ Warning: different compilers lead to different behavior

Please keep in mind that different compilers can yield different behaviors and trigger distinct warnings or errors or print them in a less/more human-readable format.

For a demonstration, see this example on GodBolt comparing the output of GCC and Clang on the same code.


  • The loader loads the executable program into memory for execution.
  • It allocates memory for the program's data and code sections.
  • The operating system's loader handles this task.



If linked against an external dynamic library, the loader has to know where it is located. The list of directories where to find dynamic libraries is contained in the colon-separated environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH+=:/path/to/my/lib

➡️ Classes and object-oriented programming