A Python program typically consists of the following components:
Comments: Lines starting with #
are comments. They are ignored by the Python interpreter and serve as notes for developers.
Statements: Python code is composed of statements, which are instructions that the interpreter can execute.
Indentation: Python uses indentation to define code blocks. Consistent indentation is crucial for proper program structure.
# This is a comment.
print("Hello, World!") # This is also a comment.
x = 3
# Code block with proper indentation.
if x > 0:
A value is a piece of data that a computer program works with such as a number or text. There are different types of values: 42
is an integer and "Hello!"
is a string. A variable is a name that refers to a value. In mathematics and statistics, we usually use variable names like for
, while
, class
, lambda
, etc. as these words encode special functionality in Python that we don't want to overwrite!
It can be helpful to think of a variable as a box that holds some information (a single number, a vector, a string, etc). We use the assignment operator =
to assign a value to a variable.
Python typing is dynamic so you can change a string variable to an int
(in a static language you can't):
x = 'somestring'
x = 50
Python typing is strong so you can't merge types:
'foo' + 3 # TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
In weakly-typed languages (such as Javascript) this happens:
'foo' + 3 = 'foo3'
See the Python 3 documentation for a summary of the standard built-in Python datatypes.
Type name | Type Category | Description | Example |
int |
Numeric Type | integer number | 42 |
float |
Numeric Type | real number | 3.14159 |
complex |
Numeric Type | complex number | 1.0 + 2.0j |
bool |
Boolean Values | true or false | True |
str |
Sequence Type | text | "I Can Has Cheezburger?" |
Type name | Type Category | Description | Example |
list |
Sequence Type | a collection of objects - mutable & ordered | ['Ali', 'Xinyi', 'Miriam'] |
tuple |
Sequence Type | a collection of objects - immutable & ordered | ('Thursday', 6, 9, 2018) |
set |
Set Type | a collection of unique objects - mutable & unordered | {'jack', 'sjoerd'} |
dict |
Mapping Type | mapping of key-value pairs | {'name':'DSAI', 'code':123, 'credits':6} |
NoneType |
Null Object | represents no value | None |
There are three distinct numeric types: integers
, floating point numbers
, and complex numbers
. We can determine the type of an object in Python using type()
. We can print the value of the object using print()
x = 42
type(x) # int
print(x) # 42
pi = 3.14159
type(pi) # float
z = 1 + 3j # complex
import cmath
Below is a table of the syntax for common arithmetic operations in Python:
Operator | Description |
+ |
addition |
- |
subtraction |
* |
multiplication |
/ |
division |
** |
exponentiation |
// |
integer division / floor division |
% |
modulo |
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 # 15
2 * 3.14159 # 6.28318
2 ** 10 # 1024
Division may produce a different dtype
than expected, it will change int
to float
int_2 = 2
type(int_2) # int
int_2 / int_2 # 1.0
type(int_2 / int_2) # float
But the syntax //
allows us to do integer division (aka floor division) and retain the int
data type, it always rounds down.
101 / 2 # 50.5
101 // 2 # 50 (floor division: always rounds down).
The Boolean (bool
) type has two values: True
and False
We can compare objects using comparison operators, and we'll get back a Boolean result:
Operator | Description |
x == y |
x is equal to y |
x != y |
x is not equal to y |
x > y |
x is greater than y |
x >= y |
x is greater than or equal to y |
x < y |
x is less than y |
x <= y |
x is less than or equal to y |
x is y |
x is the same object as y |
We also have so-called boolean operators which also evaluate to either True
or False
Operator | Description: True if |
x and y |
both x and y are True |
x or y |
at least one of x and y is True |
not x |
x is False |
Python also has bitwise operators like AND (&
), OR (|
), XOR (^
), NOT (~
), shift (<<
and >>
Strings represent sequences of characters and are widely used in Python.
) or double ("
) quotes.+
), repetition (*
), and indexing.# String creation.
message = "Hello, Python!"
message_twice = message * 2 # "Hello, Python!Hello, Python!"
# String operations.
greeting = "Hello, "
name = "Alice"
full_greeting = greeting + name # Concatenation.
# String methods.
message = "Hello, Python!"
# Length of a string.
length = len(message)
# Upper and lower case.
upper_case = message.upper() # Return a new string.
lower_case = message.lower() # Return a new string.
# String formatting.
formatted_message = f"Message: {message}"
all_caps = "HOW ARE YOU TODAY?"
all_caps.split() # ['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TODAY?']
all_caps.count("O") # 3
caps_list = list(all_caps)
"".join(caps_list) # 'HOW ARE YOU TODAY?'
"-".join(caps_list) # 'H-O-W- -A-R-E- -Y-O-U- -T-O-D-A-Y-?'
"".join(caps_list).lower().split(" ") # ['how', 'are', 'you', 'today?']
There are many string methods. Check out the documentation.
Python has ways of creating strings by filling in the blanks and formatting them nicely. This is helpful for when you want to print statements that include variables or statements. There are a few ways of doing this but I use and recommend f-strings which were introduced in Python 3.6. All you need to do is put the letter f
out the front of your string and then you can include variables with curly-bracket notation {}
name = "Newborn Baby"
age = 4 / 12
day = 26
month = 7
year = 2024
template_new = f"Hello, my name is {name}. I am {age:.2f} years old. I was born {day}/{month:02}/{year}."
'Hello, my name is Newborn Baby. I am 0.33 years old. I was born 26/07/2024.'
See format code options here.
Lists and tuples are versatile data structures in Python.
# List.
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# Tuple.
coordinates = (2, 3)
# List creation.
my_list = [1, 2, "THREE", 4, 0.5]
another_list = [1, "two", [3, 4, "five"], True, None, {"key": "value"}]
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
len(numbers) # 5
# Adding elements.
my_list.append([6, 7]) # [1, 2, "THREE", 4, 0.5, [6, 7]]
my_list.extend([6, 7]) # [1, 2, "THREE", 4, 0.5, 6, 7]
# Removing elements.
numbers.remove(3) # [1, 2, 4, 5]
popped_value = numbers.pop() # popped_value = 5, numbers = [1, 2, 4]
You can see the documentation for more list methods.
# Tuple creation.
my_tuple = (1, 2, "THREE", 4, 0.5)
coordinates = (2, 3)
# Unpacking.
x, y = coordinates
# Concatenation.
combined = coordinates + (4, 5) # (2, 3, 4, 5)
# Tuple repetition.
repeated = coordinates * 3 # (2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3)
We can access values inside a list, tuple, or string using square bracket syntax. Python uses zero-based indexing, which means the first element of the list is in position 0, not position 1.
my_list = [1, 2, 'THREE', 4, 0.5]
my_list[0] # 1
my_list[2] # 'THREE'
len(my_list) # 5
my_list[5] # IndexError: list index out of range
We can use negative indices to count backwards from the end of the list.
my_list = [1, 2, 'THREE', 4, 0.5]
my_list[-1] # 0.5
my_list[-2] # 4
We can use the colon :
to access a sub-sequence. This is called slicing.
my_list[1:3] # [2, 'THREE']
Note from the above that the start of the slice is inclusive and the end is exclusive. So my_list[1:3]
fetches elements 1 and 2, but not 3.
Strings behave the same as lists and tuples when it comes to indexing and slicing. Remember, we think of them as a sequence of characters.
alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
alphabet[0] # 'a'
alphabet[-1] # 'z'
alphabet[-3] # 'x'
alphabet[:5] # 'abcde'
alphabet[12:20] # 'mnopqrst'
Another built-in Python data type is the set
, which stores an unordered list of unique items. Being unordered, sets do not record element position or order of insertion and so do not support indexing.
s = {2, 3, 5, 11}
{1, 2, 3} == {3, 2, 1} # True
[1, 2, 3] == [3, 2, 1] # False
s.add(2) # Does nothing.
Since element are stored unordered, sets can't be indexed:
TypeError: 'set' object is not subscriptable
Dictionaries are key-value pairs, allowing efficient data retrieval.
.# Dictionary creation.
student = {"name": "Alice", "age": 20, "grade": "A"}
student_name = student["name"] # Access value by key.
student["city"] = "New York" # Add new key-value pair.
student["age"] = 21 # Modify value by key.
del student["grade"] # Remove key.
Sometimes we need to explicitly cast a value from one type to another. Python tries to do the conversion, or throws an error if it can't.
x = 5.0 # float
x = int(5.0) # int
x = str(5.0) # string '5.0'
str(5.0) == 5.0 # False
int(5.3) # 5
original_set = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
converted_tuple = tuple(original_set)
original_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}
converted_list = list(original_dict.items())
ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'hello'
Sometimes you'll want to create empty objects that will be filled later on.
lst = list() # Or:
lst = []
There's no real difference between the two methods above, []
is apparently marginally faster.
tup = tuple() # Or:
tup = ()
st = set()
dic = dict() # Or:
dic = {}
is its own type in Python. It only has one possible value, None
- it represents an object with no value.
x = None
Conditional statements allow us to write programs where only certain blocks of code are executed depending on the state of the program. Let's look at some examples and take note of the keywords, syntax and indentation.
name = "Tom"
if name.lower() == "tom":
print("That's my name too!")
elif name.lower() == "santa":
print("That's a funny name.")
print(f"Hello {name}! That's a cool name!")
print("Nice to meet you!")
That's my name too!
Nice to meet you!
The main points to notice:
, elif
and else
ends each conditional expression.if
statement, the first block whose conditional statement returns True
is executed and the program exits the if
statements don't necessarily need elif
or else
lets us check several conditions.else
lets us evaluate a default block if all other conditions are False
statement is where the indentation returns to the same level as the first if
keyword.If statements can also be nested inside of one another:
name = "Super Tom"
if name.lower() == "tom":
print("That's my name too!")
elif name.lower() == "santa":
print("That's a funny name.")
print(f"Hello {name}! That's a cool name.")
if name.lower().startswith("super"):
print("Do you really have superpowers?")
print("Nice to meet you!")
Hello Super Tom! That's a cool name.
Do you really have superpowers?
Nice to meet you!
We can write simple if
statements inline, i.e., in a single line, for simplicity (similar to the ternary operator (condition) ? if_true : if_false
in C++).
words = ["the", "list", "of", "words"]
x = "long list" if len(words) > 10 else "short list"
# This is equivalent to:
if len(words) > 10:
x = "long list"
x = "short list"
Any object can be tested for truth in Python, for use in if
and while
values: all objects return True
unless they are a bool
object with value False
or have len()
== 0False
values: None
, False
, 0
, empty sequences and collections: ''
, ()
, []
, {}
, set()
Read more in the documentation here.
x = 1
if x:
print("I'm truthy!")
print("I'm falsey!")
I'm truthy!
x = False
if x:
print("I'm truthy!")
print("I'm falsey!")
I'm falsey!
x = []
if x:
print("I'm truthy!")
print("I'm falsey!")
I'm falsey!
loops (1/2)for
loops allow us to execute code a specific number of times.
for n in [2, 7, -1, 5]:
print(f"The number is {n} and its square is {n**2}")
print("I'm outside the loop!")
The number is 2 and its square is 4
The number is 7 and its square is 49
The number is -1 and its square is 1
The number is 5 and its square is 25
I'm outside the loop!
loops (2/2)The main points to notice:
begins the loop. Colon :
ends the first line of the loop.n
has taken all the values in the list.range
, string
, list
, tuple
, set
, dict
.word = "Python"
for letter in word:
print("Gimme a " + letter + "!")
print(f"What's that spell? {word}!")
(1/2)A very common pattern is to use for
with the range()
. range()
gives you a sequence of integers up to some value (non-inclusive of the end-value) and is typically used for looping.
range(0, 10)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
(2/2)for i in range(10):
We can also specify a start value and a skip-by value with range
for i in range(1, 101, 10):
loopsWe can write a loop inside another loop to iterate over multiple dimensions of data:
for x in [1, 2, 3]:
for y in ["a", "b", "c"]:
print((x, y))
(1, 'a')
(1, 'b')
(1, 'c')
(2, 'a')
(2, 'b')
(2, 'c')
(3, 'a')
(3, 'b')
(3, 'c')
returns a zip object which is an iterable of tuples.
for i in zip(list_1, list_2):
(0, 'a')
(1, 'b')
(2, 'c')
We can even unpack these tuples directly in the for
for i, j in zip(list_1, list_2):
print(i, j)
0 a
1 b
2 c
adds a counter to an iterable which we can use within the loop.
for i in enumerate(list_2):
(0, 'a')
(1, 'b')
(2, 'c')
for n, i in enumerate(list_2):
print(f"index {n}, value {i}")
index 0, value a
index 1, value b
index 2, value c
We can loop through key-value pairs of a dictionary using .items()
. The general syntax is for key, value in dictionary.items()
courses = {"Programming": "awesome!",
"Statistics": "naptime!"}
for course, description in courses.items():
print(f"{course} is {description}")
Programming is awesome!
Statistics is naptime!
for n, (course, description) in enumerate(courses.items()):
print(f"Item {n}: {course} is {description}")
Item 0: Programming is awesome!
Item 1: Statistics is naptime!
loopsWe can also use a while
loop to excute a block of code until a condition is met.
n = 10
while n > 0:
n -= 1
Hence, in some cases, you may want to force a loop to stop based on some criteria, using the break
n = 123
i = 0
while n != 1:
if n % 2 == 0: # n is even.
n = n / 2
else: # n is odd.
n = 3 * n + 1
i += 1
if i == 10:
print(f"Ugh, too many iterations!")
Ugh, too many iterations!
The continue
keyword is similar to break
but won't stop the loop. Instead, it just restarts the loop from the next iteration.
n = 10
while n > 0:
if n % 2 != 0: # n is odd.
n = n - 1
n = n - 1
Comprehensions allow us to build lists/tuples/sets/dictionaries in one convenient, compact line of code. I use these quite a bit! Below is a standard for
loop you might use to iterate over an iterable and create a list:
subliminal = ['Tom', 'ingests', 'many', 'eggs', 'to', 'outrun', 'large', 'eagles', 'after', 'running', 'near', '!']
first_letters = []
for word in subliminal:
['T', 'i', 'm', 'e', 't', 'o', 'l', 'e', 'a', 'r', 'n', '!']
List comprehension allows us to do this in one compact line:
letters = [word[0] for word in subliminal] # List comprehension.
['T', 'i', 'm', 'e', 't', 'o', 'l', 'e', 'a', 'r', 'n', '!']
We can make things more complicated by doing multiple iteration or conditional iteration:
[(i, j) for i in range(3) for j in range(4)]
[(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), ..., (2, 3)]
[i for i in range(11) if i % 2 == 0]
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
[-i if i % 2 else i for i in range(11)]
[0, -1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 6, -7, 8, -9, 10]
Set comprehension:
words = ['hello', 'goodbye', 'the', 'antidisestablishmentarianism']
y = {word[-1] for word in words} # {'e', 'o', 'm'}
Dictionary comprehension:
word_lengths = {word:len(word) for word in words}
# {'hello': 5, 'goodbye': 7, 'the': 3, 'antidisestablishmentarianism': 28}
Tuple comprehension doesn't work as you might expect: we get a generator instead (explained below).
If something goes wrong, we don't want our code to crash - we want it to fail gracefully. In Python, this can be accomplished using try
. Here is a basic example:
print("Another line") # Code fails before getting to this line.
NameError: name 'this_variable_does_not_exist' is not defined
pass # Do nothing.
print("You did something bad! But I won't raise an error.")
print("Another line")
You did something bad! But I won't raise an error.
Another line
Python tries to execute the code in the try
block. If an error is encountered, we catch this in the except
block (also called try
in other languages). There are many different error types, or exceptions - we saw NameError
5 / 0
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
x = 2
y = 0
result = x / y
except ZeroDivisionError:
print("Sorry! You are dividing by zero.")
print("Yeah! Your answer is: ", result)
# This block is always executed
# regardless of exception generation.
print('This is always executed')
my_list = [1, 2, 3]
IndexError: list index out of range
my_tuple = (1,2,3)
my_tuple[0] = 0
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
We can also write code that raises an exception on purpose, using raise
def add_one(x):
if not isinstance(x, float) and not isinstance(x, int):
raise TypeError(f"Sorry, x must be numeric, you entered a {type(x)}.")
return x + 1
TypeError: Sorry, x must be numeric, you entered a <class 'str'>.
This is useful when your function is complicated and would fail in a complicated way, with a weird error message. You can make the cause of the error much clearer to the user of the function.
Finally, we can even define our own exception types by inheriting from the Exception
class - we'll explore classes and inheritance in the next lecture!
A function is a reusable piece of code that can accept input parameters, also known as arguments. For example, let's define a function called square
which takes one input parameter n
and returns the square n**2
def square(n):
n_squared = n**2
return n_squared
square(2) # 4
square(100) # 10000
square(12345) # 152399025
Functions begin with the def
keyword, then the function name, arguments in parentheses, and then a colon (:
). The code executed by the function is defined by indentation. The output or return value of the function is specified using the return
When you create a variable inside a function, it is local, which means that it only exists inside the function. For example:
def cat_string(str1, str2):
string = str1 + str2
return string
cat_string('My name is ', 'Tom')
'My name is Tom'
NameError: name 'string' is not defined
Strings and tuples are immutable types which means they can't be modified. Lists are mutable and we can assign new values for its various entries. This is the main difference between lists and tuples.
names_list = ["Indiana", "Fang", "Linsey"]
names_list[0] = "Cool guy" # Ok.
names_tuple = ("Indiana", "Fang", "Linsey")
names_tuple[0] = "Not cool guy"
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
Same goes for strings. Once defined we cannot modifiy the characters of the string.
my_name = "Tom"
my_name[-1] = "q"
TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
x = ([1, 2, 3], 5)
x[1] = 7
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
x[0][1] = 4 # Ok. We are modifying a list here.
In Python, input arguments are passed by reference.
If a function changes the variables passed into it, then it is said to have side effects. For example:
def silly_sum(my_list):
return sum(my_list)
l = [1, 2, 3, 4]
out = silly_sum(l) # 10
The above looks like what we wanted? But it changed our l
[1, 2, 3, 4, 0]
If your function has side effects like this, you must mention it in the documentation.
If you do not specify a return value, the function returns None
when it terminates:
def f(x):
x + 1 # No return.
if x == 999:
Sometimes it is convenient to have default values for some arguments in a function. Because they have default values, these arguments are optional, and are hence called optional arguments. For example:
def repeat_string(s, n = 2):
return s * n
repeat_string("abc", 5)
You can have any number of required arguments and any number of optional arguments.
All the optional arguments must come after the required arguments. The required arguments are mapped by the order they appear. The optional arguments can be specified out of order when using the function.
def example(a, b, c = "DEFAULT", d = "DEFAULT"):
print(a, b, c, d)
example(1, 2, 3, 4) # 1 2 3 4
and d
:example(1, 2) # 1 2 DEFAULT DEFAULT
and d
as keyword arguments (i.e. by name):example(1, 2, c=3, d=4) # 1 2 3 4
Type hinting is exactly what it sounds like, it hints at the data type of function arguments. You can indicate the type of an argument in a function using the syntax argument : dtype
, and the type of the return value using def func() -> dtype
. Let's see an example:
def repeat_string(s: str, n: int = 2) -> str:
return s * n
Type hinting just helps your users and IDE identify dtypes and possible bugs. It's just another level of documentation. They do not force users to use that date type, for example, I can still pass an dict
to repeat_string
if I want to:
repeat_string({'key_1': 1, 'key_2': 2})
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'dict' and 'int'
In many programming languages, functions can only return one object. That is technically true in Python too, but there is a workaround, which is to return a tuple.
def sum_and_product(x, y):
return (x + y, x * y)
sum_and_product(5, 6) # (11, 30)
The parentheses can be omitted (and often are), and a tuple
is implicitly returned as defined by the use of the comma:
def sum_and_product(x, y):
return x + y, x * y
sum_and_product(5, 6) # (11, 30)
It is common to immediately unpack a returned tuple into separate variables, so it really feels like the function is returning multiple values:
s, p = sum_and_product(5, 6)
As an aside, it is conventional in Python to use _
for values to be discarded:
s, _ = sum_and_product(5, 6)
Warning: _
becomes an actual variable name!
In Python, the asterisk (*
) is used for unpacking iterable objects. It allows you to extract the elements from an iterable (e.g., a list, tuple) or the key-value pairs from a dictionary.
Here are a few common use cases for the asterisk for unpacking:
def add_numbers(a, b, c):
return a + b + c
numbers = [1, 2, 3]
result = add_numbers(*numbers)
print(result) # 6
Unpacking in iterables: You can use the asterisk to unpack elements from one iterable into another.
first_list = [1, 2, 3]
second_list = [4, 5, 6]
combined_list = [*first_list, *second_list]
print(combined_list) # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Unpacking in tuple assignment: The asterisk can be used in tuple assignment to capture multiple elements at once.
first, *rest = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
print(first) # 1
print(rest) # [2, 3, 4, 5]
) is used to unpack the key-value pairs from one dictionary into another.dict1 = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
dict2 = {'c': 3, 'd': 4}
merged_dict = {**dict1, **dict2}
print(merged_dict) # {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}
) and variable keyword arguments (**kwargs
).def example_function(a, b, *args, **kwargs):
# a and b are regular arguments
# args is a tuple of positional arguments
# kwargs is a dictionary of keyword arguments
In Python, *args
and **kwargs
are used in function definitions to allow a variable number of arguments.
(Arbitrary positional arguments): It allows a function to accept a variable number of positional arguments. The *args
parameter is used to collect any number of positional arguments into a tuple.def print_args(*args):
for arg in args:
print_args(1, 2, 3, "four")
(Arbitrary keyword arguments): It allows a function to accept a variable number of keyword arguments. The **kwargs
parameter is used to collect any number of keyword arguments into a dictionary.def print_kwargs(**kwargs):
for key, value in kwargs.items():
print(f"{key}: {value}")
print_kwargs(name="John", age=25, city="New York")
and **kwargs
You can use both *args
and **kwargs
in the same function definition to accept any combination of positional and keyword arguments.
def print_args_and_kwargs(*args, **kwargs):
for arg in args:
for key, value in kwargs.items():
print(f"{key}: {value}")
print_args_and_kwargs(1, 2, 3, name="John", age=25)
name: John
age: 25
def data_summary(*args, **kwargs):
round_digits = kwargs.get('round_digits', 2)
for i, data in enumerate(args, 1):
mean = round(sum(data) / len(data), round_digits)
print(f"Dataset {i}: Mean = {mean}")
# Example usage
data_summary([1, 2, 3, 4], [10, 20, 30, 40], round_digits=1)
Dataset 1: Mean = 2.5
Dataset 2: Mean = 25.0
In Python, functions are actually a data type:
def do_nothing(x):
return x
type(do_nothing) # function
This means you can pass functions as arguments into other functions.
def square(y):
return y ** 2
def evaluate_function_on_x_plus_1(fun, x):
return fun(x + 1)
evaluate_function_on_x_plus_1(square, 5) # 36
There are two ways to define functions in Python. The way we've been using up until now:
def add_one(x):
return x + 1
add_one(7.2) # 8.2
Or by using the lambda
add_one = lambda x: x + 1
type(add_one) # function
The two approaches above are identical. The one with lambda
is called an anonymous function. Anonymous functions can only take up one line of code, so they aren't appropriate in most cases, but can be useful for smaller things.
Recall list comprehension:
[n for n in range(10)]
Comprehensions evaluate the entire expression at once, and then returns the full data product. Sometimes, we want to work with just one part of our data at a time, for example, when we can't fit all of our data in memory. For this, we can use generators.
(n for n in range(10))
<generator object
at 0x7f06c9b9ba70>
Notice that we just created a generator object
. Generator objects are like a recipe for generating values. They don't actually do any computation until they are asked to.
We can get values from a generator in three main ways:
gen = (n for n in range(10))
next(gen) # 0
next(gen) # 1
Once the generator is exhausted, it will raise a StopIteration
We can see all the values of a generator using list()
but this defeats the purpose of using a generator in the first place:
gen = (n for n in range(10))
list(gen) # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Finally, we can iterate over generator objects too:
gen = (n for n in range(10))
for i in gen:
Above, we saw how to create a generator object using comprehension syntax but with parentheses. We can also create a generator using functions and the yield
def gen():
for n in range(10):
yield (n, n ** 2)
g = gen()
next(g) # (0, 0)
next(g) # (1, 1)
next(g) # (2, 4)
Writing good functions brings up the idea of function documentation, called "docstrings". The docstring goes right after the def
line and is wrapped in triple quotes """
def make_palindrome(string):
"""Turns the string into a palindrome by concatenating itself with a reversed version of itself."""
return string + string[::-1]
In Python we can use the help()
function to view another function's documentation. In Jupyter, we can use ?
to view the documentation string of any function in our environment.
General docstring convention in Python is described in PEP 257 - Docstring Conventions. There are many different docstring style conventions used in Python. The exact style you use can be important for helping you to render your documentation, or for helping your IDE parse your documentation. Common styles include:
def function_name(param1, param2, param3):
"""First line is a short description of the function.
A paragraph describing in a bit more detail what the
function does and what algorithms it uses and common
use cases.
param1 : datatype
A description of param1.
param2 : datatype
A description of param2.
param3 : datatype
A longer description because maybe this requires
more explanation and we can use several lines.
A description of the output, datatypes and behaviours.
Describe special cases and anything the user needs to
know to use the function.
>>> function_name(3,8,-5)
def make_palindrome(string):
"""Turns the string into a palindrome by concatenating
itself with a reversed version of itself.
string : str
The string to turn into a palindrome.
string concatenated with a reversed version of string
>>> make_palindrome('tom')
return string + string[::-1]
def repeat_string(s, n = 2):
Repeat the string s, n times.
s : str
the string
n : int, optional
the number of times, by default = 2
the repeated string
>>> repeat_string("Blah", 3)
return s * n